Please feel free to phone me at (705) 726-0040 for more information, to book an in person healing treatment or distance healing treatment.
I am a wholistic healing guide in Barrie, providing several healing therapies to promote better HEALTH, WELLNESS and HIGH LEVEL WELLNESS (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). Therapies including: Reiki and Shamanic Energy Healing, Sound Healing, the Science of Energy and Muscle Balancing such as Touch For Health and other Specialized Kinesiologies, Stress and Pain Release Techniques, Tibetan Energy and Vitality, Tracing the Meridians, Auricular (Ear) Massage, Brazililan Toe Massage, Neuro-Lymphatic Massage, Neuro-Vascular and Acupressure Holding Points, Techniques for Improved Postural Balance, Promotion of Peace, Deep Relaxation and Calming of the Mind, Increased Circulation, Boosting the Immune System and Restoring Our Natural Energies.
Enjoy a very fun and happy day and week. Follow your bliss, passion and dreams. May you see the miracles in each day.