Structural Integration Therapy is an efficient way to relieve the long-term pain immediately. Let's work together to build a world without pain.
We are accepting new clients. Massage Therapy insurance accepted. Book online at Visit our website, get to know more about Structural Integration. Located at 71 Fairvew Ave, Kitchener ON.
Structural Integration can help with the following conditions: * Arthritis * Asthma * Carpal tunnel syndrome * Chronic back, neck and knee pain * Chronic pain and discomfort caused by injuries * Chronic shoulder/neck tension * De Quervain's tenosynovitis * Dystonia and Parkinson’s symptoms * Fibromyalgia * Headaches and Migraines * Plantar fasciitis * Postural issues * Repetitive strain injures * Sciatica * Scoliosis * Tennis elbow & Golfer's elbow * Thoracic outlet syndrome * And much more...