
  1. DareDevil

    Spa AD SENTOSA BAY 165 East Beaver Creek Rd #25 ☎️Tel: 905.707.0107 **NEW VIP TABLE SHOWER **

    **SPA UPDATE** **BEAUTIFUL LINEUP TODAY** **TODAY WE WILL FEATURE SENTOSA STAR MINA, AND NEW YOUNG PRETTY GIRL GIRL IVY AKA JOLIE** SENTOSA BAY WELLNESS CENTRE **165 East Beaver Creek Rd #25, (Richmond Hill) ☎️Tel: Tel: 905.707.0107 or 437.425.6655🔥🔥Website: Sentosa Bay Wellness Center...
  2. funliness

    Tall Gina @ sentosa

    Can any tall girl lover ( or other) confirm if Gina at Sentosa works anywhere else ? A unique tall treat I can recommend is Julie at Sentosa she is great - nice massage, about 5’9 - 5’10, mid thirties - amazong large delictable labia
  3. S

    Review Sentosa Bay - ala Daredevil

    Looks like daredevil the punt little shit head is posting about about Sentosa Bay - but he fails to answer any questions and deletes me from posting on his thread. Wow - daredevil your such a stud not - cannot even deliver a bb experimnce if he tried - Dare devil -= instead of denying me your...
  4. L84dinner

    Review Massive Dump of Reviews continued...

    I'm actually liking the new format of the site despite some new shortcomings. I've visited places that I probably would have not tried or asked about. I may try to venture out to Golden Sunshine and Soul Relax soon ... these pics of Hatti has me intrigued... any one have any intel? Notes: In...