After being with over 30 escorts and about 30 sex parlours over the past 8 months.
I have some questions in mind.
Where do these girls come from in massage parlours? I feel like they are abused and forced. Specially the Chinese ones.
Second escort services are much better and keep getting new girls. Its like they are trafficked in or something. How do these hoes live with themselves fucking 5 guys a night? Why donโt they escape? So many shitty reasons I get when I ask them why they do it. Fucking school is the answer 90% of the time.
Third I think I am a sex addict. If I could I would hire an escort everyday. I am feeling more and more disgusted with my self and feeling more depressed.
I have some questions in mind.
Where do these girls come from in massage parlours? I feel like they are abused and forced. Specially the Chinese ones.
Second escort services are much better and keep getting new girls. Its like they are trafficked in or something. How do these hoes live with themselves fucking 5 guys a night? Why donโt they escape? So many shitty reasons I get when I ask them why they do it. Fucking school is the answer 90% of the time.
Third I think I am a sex addict. If I could I would hire an escort everyday. I am feeling more and more disgusted with my self and feeling more depressed.