Hi Froggy,
like you I practise IHM and have also covered an Oncology Massage course for people with cancer which helped me a lot in my understanding of how to treat clients who have cancer.
The lady who did the course is someone called Gayle McDonald and she has a book out called Medicine Hands- Massage Therapy for People With Cancer - which is a fantastic book at covering how you should treat a client.
We were taught to be very gentle and I would avise you get the book just to help you understand things a bit more as you could ,without meaning to,hinder them by not using the right strokes.
There is another lady called Mary Aitkin who has a website www.maryaitkenson.org.uk .She has a course - IHM and Pallative Care for the Elderly which would be a great course to cover if you wanted to learn a few safe techniques to use.I emailed the lady and she is willing to come up to Edinburgh to do the course so if you are far away it is worth asking her if she would come to your area if you are interested.
Hope this helps you.