Most married men would never complain about price. No matter how much a prostitute charges, it will always be less expensive than what his wife charges him. Do the math and you will discover this to be true. Calculate how many times you fuck your wife and how much money - in total - you have to pay her in order to do it. Easily, married men are looking at $800 or more per sexual encounter with their wives.
So, a prostitute charging $250, $300 or even $400 is a steal of a deal, by comparison. And since most prostitutes aren't old and fat, while most wives are old and fat, you not only pay less to fuck a prostitute, but she often times is better looking than your aging, overweight wife. Add to that the fact that your wife nags you to death and doesn't give two shits about you, and the prostitute looks to be even a better option for married men. Yes, the prostitute has no soul either, but at least she isn't trying to bring you down every day of the week as your wife does.
A prostitue is a professional woman, so she puts away her assholery for the 1 hour that you book her. In her personal life, the prostitue, being a woman, is the same devil worshipping, souless piece of shit that your wife is, but the difference is that the prostitute knows that if she shows her true nature to you, you won't book her ever again. And so she will lose money in leaps and bounds. With a married man's wife, she knows he can't do anything about her devilish ways, or she will take everyhing he owns.
A married man reaches the point in his relationship with is wife where he realizes that she deserves to be beaten into a coma and set on fire. But, of course, that wouldn't be humane to do such a thing to the woman you married, no matter how evil she turns out to be. So, for everyone's sake, a prostitute - as a temporary substitute for your wife - is a blessing for married men.