Pacifica55 said:
By 2am, Key Largo looks like a bucket of hammered assholes with all the pretty ones picked out, anyway.
As a general rule, HDR/KL gets "good" by around 10pm and really thins out by 12:30am. If you find yourself still looking at 2am I recommend you start earlier! :wink:
I don't know if I agree or disagree with that. I do find myself in there after the band quits (thanking god for small favors) from time to time, and sometimes have picked up a winner. On the other hand, when I am behaving wisely, I try to get the Hell out of there as soon as the band comes back from break. As some know, I am not particularly fond of the fake music served up in there... same tired songs night after night, just different people singing and pretending to play the instruments. Sometimes I stay longer when I am enjoying myself, but usually regret it the next day.
But closing at 2 means what... no more music (even the CD player) or does the bar stop serving too? And is it possible this is just a rainy season adjustment?