
Ari Dolegowski, a bioperformance therapist who offers transformative massage sessions with a tailored approach rooted in physical therapy and eastern medicine, spoke with Jan Swift of the Discover Lafayette podcast.
You can listen to their conversation here.
Dogelowski shared his philosophy on living a well-rounded and healthy life. He studied both Eastern and Western modalities of therapy in Thailand, Costa Rica and New York to form an integrative approach to treatment and to better understand human nature.
He played pro soccer in Chile, Israel and the U.S. and maintains a consistently active lifestyle, often using a bicycle in lieu of a car. He also maintains a Tai Chi practice which ensures full body power and optimal alignment.
His work focuses on optimizing the body’s natural abilities, through physical therapy and massage treatments to encourage clients to achieve peak physical and mental states. His practice also includes cranio-sacral massage, a gentle yet effective way to ease tension and promote relaxation, and can help relieve headaches, reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
“It all starts with us — our choices, our movement, and our intention to live a good life,” he said.