Although I joined this board almost two months ago, I haven't posted anything yet. I'm coming up on the 1st anniversary of becoming a monger, and I thought I'd use that as an excuse to contribute my first post here, something of a recap, as it were.
May 27th will mark the day I got started. That was my first mongering trip down south and it was the day I met the chica who is even now my favorita. It's also her mother's birthday. I actually didn't remember exactly which day it was, she did, because of her mamู.
This year on the 27th I'm flying to Mazatlูn for four days of an intended fuckfest, hence the slightly early report.
Anyway, 12 months, 14 chicas, some just once, others 2 or more times (sometimes in the same day!) My favorita has fucked my brains out so many times I don't have enough gray matter left to count the sessions.
Three BGs, including my favorita. One of these was Jessica at CC, the only complete and total dud I've gone up with. I should have listened to my instincts, they told me not to do her.
Four escorts through an agency I will gladly shill for, once it gets going again.These ranged from pleasant to enlightening to the last one I took out, a chica who was just downright fantastic.
And rounding out all that are the 7 SG's I've banged. Only one, Marูa de Veracruz@La Valentina was absolutely a no-repeater, and even she was better than the CC chica. All the rest have at least been satisfactory, and in fact most of them have really been fun.
The thing is, my ability to navigate the ZN, successfully negotiate sessions and have a lot of fun has increased tremendously in this year. Some of that is due to gaining some experience, but most of it is through reading monger boards, including this one, and then putting into practice what I learn.
Thanks, guys, I'm having a blast.