Emily Rosca

OSWEGO, IL — Two people, one from Plainfield and one from Chicago, were arrested this week in connection to prostitution accusations at an Oswego massage parlor, police said Friday.
The case is in connection with X Massage, located at 2733 Route 34. The business's bodyworks license will be suspended at midnight Friday, pending a hearing with the bodyworks commissioner, police spokesperson Cathy Nevara wrote in a news release.
The owner of the massage parlor and an employee were arrested and charged with violation of the Massage Therapy Practice Act and prostitution, respectively.
Around 4:10 p.m. Wednesday, the Kendall County Cooperative Police Assistance Team arrested Hongbing Liu, 60, at X Massage after investigating alleged prostitution. Liu, who is employed by the business, was processed at the Oswego Police Department at released with a notice to appear in court on Feb. 19.
The following day, around 2:32 p.m.Oswego police took 30-year-old Haibin Li, the owner of X Massage, into custody. Li was processed and released with a notice to appear in court on Feb. 20.
Oswego police listed Liu's address in the 200 block of West 26th Street in Chicago and Li's in the 12000 block of South Compass Avenue in Plainfield.