Thanks TQM, my case is a little different than you thought.I am not dumping her. I still do want to see her if she can stay away from drugs. Drug was making her very moody and making my life more stressful than fun.I may not be fully committed to her, but I really care about her. I even tried to help her out of MP business by getting her a job, but didn't work out.It's very hard for them to go back to disciplined life.
Another thing , I do not see her as my sex toy, if for sex,the more drugs she does the better sex for me, and if for sex only,I can get FS gfe,pse some where else way cheaper than that.I see her as my day time companion.Half of the time we met we didn't have sex.She was just fun to be with. We were quite open to each other, she told me whenever she brought some other guys to her condo.
Bottom line, you are right. It is not really a sugardaddy situation, I don't even know what to call our situation,that's why I called it part time.