Dealer, let me make one thin perfectly clear.
I meant what I said as a way of letting us know that Aussiegirl will be successful in her future endeavours. In no way, did I mean it as an attempt to try to get her to come out of retirement. I am sure that there are a number of her friends in who would want to know that all is well with her, and not want her to go back to MPs.
Fortunately, most of the MPA stars we have known here through live a good, clean and safe life. However, on a personal side, I have seen the very ugly aspects of the sex trade. I have seen and helped many ladies to go on to better things and to improve their lot in life, and not asked for anything in return, except to let me know that they were doing well. Some of them were so much into very bad lifestyles that they really had only one way to go, and that was up. Fortunately, most of them did actually succeed. And, whether they are saved from terrible experiences, or move on to fulfil their life's ambitions, it is heartwarming to know that they are successful and happy.
Aussiegirl, may your life be filled with great happiness and success. Remember all those who care and whose lives you have helped to enrich.