As a matter of fact, it does happen. Unnecessarily, since there shouldn't be any performance anxiety happening either. Contrary to real life, we generally have a strong preference for short distance runners (9 out of 10 cases represent sprinters). Maybe we should have a new thread: How long is long?
As to the waiting time...
Yes, that is definitely annoying to our customers, and I personally vow to improve myself. But, sometimes you need to do in between appointments the following:
-fold towels and check laundry, so everything is nice and clean for you,
-refresh ourselves (I prefer to do it discretely after I leave the room),
-clean and disinfect the shower for the next person,
-say a quick 'hi' to incoming traffic and answer the phone from people who think they called 1-900 number.
That's all I can think of right now, but thanks everyone for suggestions.