When Priyanka walked into the room my heart almost stopped. She is the most beautiful therapist I had ever seen! Very tall, slim, long flowing curly black hair, very pretty face, amazing body. Was wearing a half shirt showing off her flat stomach and nicely curvy hips. Took off her high heels and walked around barefoot showing her lovely manicured feet making me wonder if there might be some back walking in my future. I felt for sure there was some mistake and there is no way she was there to see me. I asked if she's Priyanka and she said yes and she asked me to strip naked. I was wondering to myself how expensive this might be? Did I bring enough cash?
When she said no extras I asked her can I at least touch you if I'm enjoying the massage. No.
I asked her why are you working here if all you're doing is giving a massage when all the other girls offer extras? She said she had worked in a legit clinic and the clients there would be indirect with her but its easier at this clinic as all the clients are direct in asking for what they want and its easier to say no here.
Its one thing going in knowing you're not going to get anything but to go in a semi-legit place and have your hopes crushed when this beautiful woman asks you to get naked was devastating.