
  1. TheKWguy

    Vip spa - asian chain bbfs girl floating

    Just an fyi There is a known bbfs girl floating around, shes at vip right now. Not sure if she is pulling shifts at others. Shtick is to try to get you to pay $800 for it as an exclusive thing. IMHO shes bad news and high risk. You guys decide what you want.
  2. Deleted member 63288

    BBFS at Premier

    Who offers it?
  3. C

    Requests for bbfs?

    Guys, I'm always perplexed by how every sp needs to state that they don't offer bbfs. For that to be stated must mean that this is requested on a regular basis. Who the heck is asking for that? Do any of you actually seek this out?
  4. wiser19

    Lynda @ Perla

    Saw Lynda 1st time last week, seeing her again tomorrow. Massage was ok. A lot of teasing. More teasing on the flip, LFK, took a while before she finally put it in her mouth. We're on the table and she's sitting in front me and we're kinda in a missionary position and I'm massaging her pussy...
  5. O

    Open Thread - BBFS - To Condom or Not... That is the question? vote to view results

    here is a thread that I will ask the mods about. I am interested in what the relevance in using a condom when seeing a MPA. I thought that by having a open thread and allowing the option of users to post without their handle would also be helpful. I would encourage both customers and mpas to...
  6. M


    I continue to be alarmed at the growing number of MPA's and locations that offer BBFS. I've been in "the hobby" for about 11 years. 10 years ago, most places did not offer FS. Now it seems like most do. Surely this is a result of the shear number of new places and the competition that results...
  7. L

    People asking for BBFS at AMPs..

    Just spoke to a couple of hobby friends and AMP girls. From what I've heard, a lot of customers are actually asking for BBFS (60%+ and this is coming from the providers..). This is crazy.. I hope you guys who ask for BBFS do a checkup every month or so.
  8. X


    Been running into some issues with girls that have offered BBFS to clients and/or rumors of such.......the sentiment here in Vic among most of the industry is to avoid these providers. What are things like in the Ont. scene with regard to such things?