
Management of ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) focusses on symptoms management, as no treatments that address the root cause of the illness are available.: 29  Pacing, or regulating one's activities to avoid triggering worse symptoms, is the most common management strategy for post-exertional malaise. Clinical management varies widely, with many patients receiving combinations of therapies.There are no Food and Drug Administration-approved medications for ME/CFS, although medications are sometimes used without approval for the illness (off-label). Drugs have been used in experimental studies of the illness that have not been approved for market for any condition in the United States (for example, isoprinosine and rintatolimod). Rintatolimod has been approved for import and use in Argentina.Even when treated, the prognosis of ME/CFS is often poor. Recovery is "rare" even after a comprehensive rehabilitation programme.

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