
  1. M

    Current Patong Closing Times

    I want this as a new thread so that people can easily reference it rather than the old one.:intello: Last night I was down Bangla and the Poilce were out in force and all bars and clubs were closed at 2am. They even closed Tum's Bar in Soi Sea Dragon.It is also one of the first times that...
  2. Ashleypink

    Patong update and closing time

    I'm little bit confused about all the message regarding the closing time. In the main page Nicke says that, starting from Dec 1st, bars are allowed to close at 4 a.m. but Mikegb, in his last message, says that everything close at 2 a.m.. What is the real closing time now? If it's 2 a.m., do you...
  3. Tornedeaus

    big police in phuket ? early closing fun

    in phuket at the mo. all the bars closing early 2am sharp. apparently big poilice in town from bankok. forcefly pushing peeps out of bars n taking drink away. people getting random searches inc my mates. rumour of even piss tests ! i know thai girls lie but one rumour is that poilce in town...
  4. P

    closing time

    i spoke to a bg i keep in touch with last night and she told me as from next week all bars have to shut at this true???? she said they may start to open earlier but she doesnt want to start earlier,and is happy with 1am.i am not to happy about 1am finish but can bear it as long as the...
  5. B

    Bars Closing Now 3 AM !

    Yes. Tijuana bars are still supposed to close at 3am. Most are. I have, however, heard that La Capirucha is staying open past the curfew. Perhpas others will follow their lead.
  6. H

    Closing time

    Apologies for going over old ground but I was wondering what is the CURRENT law regarding "last orders"? I was over there just before Xmas and most bars,etc were closing around 3am. I will be arriving Saturday night with my mate,Gazza aka New Boy and the jet lag will probably mean I won`t be...
  7. C

    closing time in phuket the real ones???

    New Closing time for bars/discos, November 28, 2002. Hot News The police walked around and talked to the bars that they are allowed to stay open until 04 or maybe 05 from December 1. I don't know if this apply to all bars in Phuket or Thailand but the bars at Soi Bangla/Patong are allowed...
  8. D

    1AM closing on the books again

    Yesterday all bars where given a letter advising that 1am closing maybe introduced, due to many complaints being received about numerous establishments flaunting the 2am closing time. I don't understand why the bars which close religiously at 2am every night, should be punished for the misdeeds...
  9. Arod

    does this mean early closing?

    HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will be in Phuket again from November 12 to 14, Governor Udomsak Uswarangkura announced yesterday morning. Does the visit of a V.I.P. mean that bars & clubs will be made to shut at 1 or 2 am, or will it be business as usual. All I can remember from the...
  10. F

    As Per Nokna, Rock Hard Closing!

    Clipped from Nokna's new home!! nokna Skylab Edit | Profile | Messenger | Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i know upstair's was Smokin Joes Roadhouse,but was always known as RH by the locals. i only call it that for...
  11. N

    Opening & Closing Chakras

    This is not exactly massage related, but in a way it could be, depending on the answer to my theory. I am not ultra-knowledgeable about energy work related to chakras. However, I have been part of a martial art that is considered to be a very old art. It has Qi Gong as part of the art and I...
  12. R

    strict closing times?

    so nicke are they keeping this 1am close time pretty strict?i notice the last couple of days that the webcam is off by 110am. also is it getting busier yet??i am maybe planning a 4 day stopover in a couple of weeks,as i will be in hong kong,but it seems awfully quiet.i prefer quite i...
  13. F

    New Closing Time In Patong!

    The police went around and talked to the bars last night and told them they are allowed to stay open until 04 or maybe 05 from December 1! I don't know if this affect all bars in Phuket or just the entertainment zones or Thailand in general? Maybe just Patong is lucky...
  14. Pompal 09.

    Early Closing . . .

    Hi all . . . I have been following with some interest, the recent attempts (and by now decision) by the Thai Government to enact laws that effectively impose a curfew on all fare paying, accommodation paying, restaurant paying, excursion paying tourists, to this truely wonderful country...
  15. Pompal 09.

    10 Years is a Long Time...I'm closing shop

    Hey there.Well, it seems I'll be closing shop on June 1st. But not just closing my office, getting out of the Massage biz for a bit. It was a tough decision, but I've had an offer for a great full time job (completely unrelated to massage), bringing home more than twice what I make now, plus a...
  16. S

    !!!! About closing the forum to new members !!!!

    You can post your comments about my recent announcement on this tread. Thanks Kam
  17. X

    Coming closing days...

    25th June closed, evening on 26th (officially midnight) open as normal again. Same for 2nd July, closed, and open in the evening next day. There was a meeting at Patong police station today regarding this.
  18. Pompal 09.

    Update on Closing Times

    Well I think this is good new, but remember this is LOS so I dont know if it will last Anyway I can tell you that Soi Tiger Bars & Disco can now remain open until 3am. Just been agreed with the men in Brown (for a small favour) Other Soi's have been offered the same deal but Im not sure...
  19. J

    alternative market for TG because of new closing time !

    If the closing time is stricly applicated NEP and SC will closed at 12 soon !!! That's really a pain in the ass for almost all gogo girls except for some superstar who are BF early evening ! I can't imagine the choice in the nana car park after midnight :cheergal: Some girls, like my...
  20. A

    More Bar Closing Nights ?????

    Just read this from the Phuket Gazette