massage girls

  1. I

    Any independant massage girls available near the Drake Hotel?

    On Queen and Dovercourt area? Looking for a weekly fix, dont want to drive and within walking distance from here, up to dundas or college. Even down to King. Anybody know of any independants in this area? (massage with happy ending only, no extras)
  2. B

    Asian Massage Girls Magazine!

    A little while ago I was visiting an Asian spa and spotted a couple of mags laying around in the room while I was waiting. They were mags from Japan I believe and featured various actual girls that worked in spas there. Some very hot women indeed and nice photography to boot. It was all in...
  3. B

    Any Other Indy Massage Girls?

    Does anyone know of any other indy massage girls in the GTA other than the regulars ( April , Angelina, Lauren,or Nikki)? Please pm me or respond to this as I am trying to find a fresh face to go see. thanks to you all . I hope someone can find a new gem out there.
  4. Pompal 09.

    Black massage girls

    Sorry to have to "bump" this old thread, but I actually had a dream about this Taylor last night. Any sightings? Information?
  5. T

    Any hot asian massage girls that aren't fobs?

    I go to mp's every now and then and I'm not into full service. When I get asian fever, I find my only option are places with mainland chinese girls. I prefer filipinos or asian girls born in Canada. Can anyone recommend or can share a good experience with a hot asian? (that's not a FOB). I...
  6. W

    How much should you tip the casino massage girls in Las Vegas?

    While gambling in a few different Vegas Casinos, I noticed girls going from table to table giving massages. I was wondering what the appropriate amount to tip these girls would be? I think these girls work only for tips, though I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure they are licensed as they work in...
  7. have_a_go_mate

    Thai massage girls?

    Hi how long do Thai massage girls work in a massage parlour for? Like do they work in the same one for the majority of there life or do they sway around frequently?