
  1. G

    My GF and I would like a little massage fun - suggestions?

    My GF and I are spending a few days in Montreal to start off the new year. We love the idea of a couple of hours in a hottub, in the shower and on a table with a beautiful, truly bisexual masseuse. We're not so much looking for mileage as an hot, sensual, erotic experience. Any suggestions as...
  2. L

    in vancouver from out of town this sunday looking for good mp any suggestions

    going on trip to vancouver this sunday any info on any ladies in massage parlours would be greatly appreciated thanks
  3. B

    Too noisy Any suggestions!!!

    Hi I have started work in a lovely new salon. There ia just one thing. It is joined to a hairdressers and near the reception and tends to get a bit noisy. I wondered if anyone hashad this problem and what did they do to solve it. I thought about head phones or ear muffs but the there is the...
  4. D

    Suitable therapy suggestions sought please!!

    Hello everyone, I'm posting here looking for a suggestion of a complimentary therapy that might help me... Briefly I'm a 25 year old female in the North East (although don't let this be a limitation as I'd be more than willing to travel to receive the right help!!) My problem is my...
  5. B

    I need your suggestions.

    Hi guys, I will be in the Montreal area tuesday afternoon (July 21st) and I want to have a complete massage with an independant girl (not in a salon) I looking for: - Age: 20-30. - Possibility to touch Y and tits. - Possibility to take a shower (wiht or without her). - Not a type YMMV...
  6. C

    Ovarian Cysts - experience, suggestions, and/or research

    I recently began working with a client that previously had ovarian cancer that was successfully treated. She is still suffering with ovarian cysts and has discomfort and pain associated with the condition. My research has led me to see that the bladder meridian as well as kidney meridian's may...
  7. T

    Cerebral Palsy - Suggestions?

    Greetings!Was wondering if any of you out there have experience or suggestions for working with a 2 1/2yr old who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy? I spoke with her mother only briefly about her symptoms & current treatment & need to get more detail still.  From what she told me, I believe...
  8. C

    Feedback and suggestions - Golden Tiger

    I have been mostly a In/Out call type of member but have really been interested in finding a good AMP when my back and head are sore and need some attention. I have seen decent reviews elsewhere on this AMP and just wondering if there is a std for tips to these girls and any other useful...
  9. M

    Suggestions for best AMP provider

    Okay guys, I've read several reviews in the AMP Forum, but haven't made my way to one as of late, but will either today or tmrw. Which one AMP provider you'd suggest and why. Oh and just to do AMP providers count towards references?
  10. josh k

    Any AMP Suggestions For Tonight?

    Hello there fellow friends. I wanted to know, which AMP would be the best choice within the next Hour Or two? I've been wanting to go to an AMP where they actually give you a line up but I Have not had any luck yet. This is my 2nd AMP visit this week, so the review for the last session will be...
  11. I


    I'm trying to figure out which way may be the best way for me to go in doing massage. My husband is a bodybuilder and is really wanting me to go toward modalities that will be beneficial. I'm thinking deep tissue and trigger point. But 3 others in my class are going in that direction...
  12. Y


    Got a women today presenting with alot of tingling down into all fingers. MRI found bone spurs in C spine. Exact locations I don't know. She C spine is very hyper extended I think it the right way to describe it. Right off she said she couldn't lay on her stomach because it makes the tingly...
  13. S

    Looking for good thai massage - suggestions?

    I am looking for a good thai massage, and I would like some suggestions for girls and places to go. I'd like ideally suggestions for places that have a website where I could see pictures of the girls, or indies that have their picture somewhere, and see for myself the ones I find the most...
  14. P

    Bois de Rose any alternative suggestions or where can you buy?

    Hi I am looking at making an around the eye oil I have all the ingredients but can't seem to find bois de rose anyone know anywhere in the UK i can source this one, and if not an alternative to this. thank you
  15. S

    Natural deodorant recipe suggestions please

    I'd like to make my own natural deodorant, using cornstarch and essential oils (preferably a floral one). Does anyone know of a good 'recipe'? Anything else I should add? I've seen in some blog postings that baking soda (not baking powder) is needed too, but I don't know why. Any ideas would...
  16. S

    On a Similar Note: MT Student with bad skin - Suggestions?

    Hi everyone, I'm starting Massage School in August and am trying to find a way to clear the skin on my chest, shoulders, and back so I won't be so embarassed when the time comes to disrobe for partner work. The problem is acne, made worse by sensitive skin and skin allergies (simply changing...
  17. L

    TJ hotel suggestions

    If you wanna stay in the Zona Norte, in the belly of the beast, I would first try 1)Hotel Cascadas. About 40 bucks, but you pay a fee for each chica you bring up. Get a room on the 5 or 6th floor. Down below you hear the thump thump thump from the bars all night. 2) Hotel Hacienda...
  18. J


    I see a client every three weeks. She has a hypersensitive and very painful half dollar size area on her back. The location is the thoracic area, below her scapula by about two inches, and slightly medial than lateral in location to errectors. She gets a 90 min. so I have plenty of time to warm...
  19. S

    Suggestions in Acapulco

    I'm sorry but I don't remember the names of any of the places there. I can tell you that I was there about 2 years ago on a recurring basis. I was there for 2 days every week for a period of several months and I used a couple of apartments (they call it masaje but I never had a massage The girl...
  20. C

    Chengdu: Suggestions and Advice?

    HI, Will be in Chengdu on biz-New Century City, near the new International Convention and Exposition Center I was hoping someone had advice for mongering: hotel saunas, massage, actual escorts. I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn (cheap employer). thanks