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  1. IronHearted

    Ursus why don't you just start out by practicing on these

    Drill a hole on that and you're good to's totally disease free.
  2. IronHearted

    Ursus should check out krayjee I heard he's thai

    They have the best ladyboys there, you don't want to miss that.
  3. DickSlinger

    Iron Hearted is Ursus

    Funny how Ironhearted disappears then randomly comes along after Ursula is called a racist and posts racist shit about blacks. You're not fooling Anyone asshole.
  4. IronHearted

    Food for thought: is papaya Ursus in disguise?

    Think about it, who else uses the word "mangina" and why do they always agree with each other?
  5. J

    POLL Does anyone understand or care about the Ursus troll

    I don't really even read it but I just glanced through it now and I have got absolutely no clue I am not attacking anyone you is participating in the thread, it has zero relevance to me.
  6. M

    Is Ursus just a troll ?

    Every thread im reading consists of him either attacking other posters, posting racist and discriminatory comments or what is the creepiest of them all - him posting his obsessions with SP. Like is this just some 12 year kid who's on here having fun and messing around or is he actually a...