Hani Apriliani

JAKARTA - Life conditions can affect the skin. Whether due to seasons, stress, or age, the skin constantly struggles to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. So, how to overcome skin changes that are getting slacker over time?
Well, filler may be a quick way to tighten the skin, but there are also natural ways to effectively refresh a tired and dull skin. The following, VOI reports Byrdie, Thursday, January 2, summarizes seven ways to tighten the skin according to a dermatologist. Try these practices for instant repair and apply them in your daily routine for long-term results.
Facial Massage
Beauty is in your hands. Georgia Louise, a seasoned facial care expert who handles famous faces such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and Anna Wintour, uses this technique to lift and shape her client's face. By gently massaging your own face (or doing facial exercise), you stimulate muscle tissue that increases skin volume and fights atrophy.
While it sounds strange, facial massage feels amazing and you will enjoy it even more because facial massage can shrink pores and tighten the skin. Massaging regularly keeps everything active and fast, like natural facial quenching.
Apart from using your fingers, you can also use jade rollers or cave stones to massage facial skin. Press slowly and then insert a massage tool on your face to smooth lymphatic drainage and collagen production, so that the skin looks more filled.
Avoid Exposure To Sunlight
Sunlight can cause hyperpigmentation, even severe damage such as burns, to the loss of collagen. As Brendan Camp explains, "Sun ultraviolet (UV) strings cause damage to structural proteins in the skin, such as collagen and elastin. These proteins usually provide stiffness and stiffness to the skin. Lack of collagen and elastin is associated with skin aging features, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and under-elastic skin."
If you can't avoid sunlight, then make sure to use sunscreen or sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
"Sunscreen is essential to protect the skin from harmful UV radiation. Sunscreen helps prevent burned skin, premature aging, and skin cancer. During summer, it is important to re-implement sunscreen as often as possible, every 2 hours or so," said Shari Sperling.
Consumption of food with the content of Kolagen
Certain foods are known to stimulate collagen production. Complete your diet with balanced super nutritious foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, eggs rich in amino acids, avocados, and garlic. Find foods rich in vitamins C and E as well as antioxidants. There is even a powder for adding collagen that can be added to your preferred food or drink.
Melakukan Eksfoliasi
Exfoliation of the skin will not only make it smooth and soft, but can also help stimulate collagen production, which will then produce stronger and contain skin.
"Disposing of dead skin cells from the surface will help show brighter and brighter skin, and is considered to be able to encourage collagen production, which can make the skin look younger," Camp said.
Sleep Enough
One of the best things you can do for the skin is to prioritize adequate night sleep. As Sperling explains, "Stide is the recovery process and it is important for optimal health. Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system and affect hormone regulation." Camp added that sleep shortages not only affect overall health, but also skin health.
Use Skincare With Special Materials
Adding good ingredients to the skin such as hydrating hyaluronic acid, tightening anti-aging retinol, and collagen, into skin care routines will bring you one step closer to healthier skin. In addition, you should exfoliate at least once a week to remove buildup (impurity, sebum, dead skin cells, etc.). This will not only fix dull skin, but will also allow ingredients to be better absorbed into the skin.
Regular Sports
Increasing heart rate will increase blood flow, which distributes oxygen and nutrients to organs, including the skin, which produces a fresher and healthier face after exercise.
In addition, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and make the night's sleep more soundful. Because stress and lack of sleep can have a bad impact on the skin, overcoming this trigger can make your skin more full.
That's how to tighten facial skin naturally. This can be done regularly and when you start changing your lifestyle to be healthier.
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