How is the economy affecting your hobbying?

lol... same here. If you have to worry about a few hundred bucks, you 're in the wrong hobby. If you're on tight budget, spend it wisely.
I guess there is always someone with the insensitive comments :)

I am going to try to reduce my spend from
$3k+/month to $1.2k/month. Let’s see how this goes…
I’m less likey to try a new girl unless there are some reliable glowing reviews. Usually it’s a bad session and that is just money thrown away. Much more likely to stick to the tried and true mpa’s.

I find the bodyrubs have priced themselves out of consideration though. Here are some of the latest pricing:

Spa40/45 minute price/service60 minute pricenotes
Allure$200$290Strict limits. Bodyslide pricing
SRM$170+$250+Bodyslide pricing (“+” for extras)
Seduction$180+$240+Bodyslide pricing (“+” for extras)
Flirt$200$260Bodyslide pricing

I can go for 60 minutes at an Asian semi-legit and get a better massage and good bodyslide for $160-180 range. Not sure what Allure is thinking these days charging those prices for only a BS.
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lol... same here. If you have to worry about a few hundred bucks, you 're in the wrong hobby. If you're on tight budget, spend it wisely. Never try to bargain. It's a mood killer for the girls and your chances of getting a good time is slim. Go less often.
Easy for you. You get paid monthly to shill for spas
I guess there is always someone with the insensitive comments :)

I am going to try to reduce my spend from
$3k+/month to $1.2k/month. Let’s see how this goes…
Yes, $3k is huge.

Force yourself to a once/week or twice/week routine and you’ll save a tonne. My rules are: 1) hobby money needs to less than my monthly investments; 2) Mix low mileage sessions with higher mileage to average down the costs; 3) No more than 2 trips per week max. Aim for one/week and even skip a week or two (much easier in the warmer weather though when there is more distractions)
Yes, $3k is huge.

Force yourself to a once/week or twice/week routine and you’ll save a tonne. My rules are: 1) hobby money needs to less than my monthly investments; 2) Mix low mileage sessions with higher mileage to average down the costs; 3) No more than 2 trips per week max. Aim for one/week and even skip a week or two (much easier in the warmer weather though when there is more distractions)
Yeah I do mix high and low mileage and legit and semi spas. But the problem is that I often do 2 or 3 visits a day… let alone a week. Even today was 2 🤦‍♂️
I guess there is always someone with the insensitive comments :)

I am going to try to reduce my spend from
$3k+/month to $1.2k/month. Let’s see how this goes…
Good advise. Just rub one off when you are thinking of making a bad choice. I have been trying to limit once a week with the hobby and usually ended up twice. Now I am which I never used too rubbing one off and I think I can go two weeks without a session which will give me life more balance and it is good timeing since I am much healthier after a bunch of surgeries. Still like to have a decent sex life but I have always liked balance.
Yeah I do mix high and low mileage and legit and semi spas. But the problem is that I often do 2 or 3 visits a day… let alone a week. Even today was 2 🤦‍♂️
You need to force yourself to cut back to one per day then down to 2 or 3 per week just from an addiction standpoint.
the economy being terrible has hurt everyone financially myself included. But I’ve noticed that the regulars I see are really appreciative for me being a regular and the already good service has become great and extra mileage has been much easier with theripest that I didn’t think would be possible. I still tip similar to before but I have cut down from a weekly session to 3 times a month
lol I'd be weary of shills giving you advice on how to spend your money. If you can negotiate prices, why wouldn't you? If the Canadian dollar drops even lower, you'll feel the pinch everywhere, from grocery stores all the way down to your utility bills.
This is an interesting topic. For me its not the economy that's determining the frequency of visits but rather my age. I'm actually heading out more often now than before figuring there may only be another year left before I'll be forced to switch my hobby to golf where I at least have a chance of my driver and balls working!
Yes, $3k is huge.

Force yourself to a once/week or twice/week routine and you’ll save a tonne. My rules are: 1) hobby money needs to less than my monthly investments; 2) Mix low mileage sessions with higher mileage to average down the costs; 3) No more than 2 trips per week max. Aim for one/week and even skip a week or two (much easier in the warmer weather though when there is more distractions)
What investments? Whats good?
What investments? Whats good?
Rules to investing:

  1. Don’t take advice from someone on the internet
  2. Find a financial advisor that is a fiduciary. Will have to contact a private wealth manager. These firms can offer a range of products not found elsewhere and build a customized portfolio. Banks or some other big name companies usually only sell mutual funds, bonds a GIC’s. Private wealth management firms can offer stocks, preferred shares (instead of bonds), access to real estate investing, etc.
  3. Build a plan based on your risk profile (conservative to very aggressive range).
  4. Diversify your products holdings: RRSP contributions reduce your taxes payable. This just defers tax payment until you withdraw (retirement) at a lower tax rate, FHSA (First Home Savings Account), RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan), TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account), Non-Registered Account, physical gold and silver, real estate. A wealth manager can setup the non-registered account up as a “Corporate Account”. That means activity within it, such as dividends paid, can be reinvested and little to no taxes are paid.
  5. Diversify your holdings. There are multiple diversification strategies here: 1) Product mix (common stock, Preferred stock, bonds, GIC/T-Bills, cash, ETF’s etc.); 2) Sector (Tech, Biotech, Financials, Industrials, Consumer, Energy, Real Estate, etc.); 3) Country (US, Canada, Europe, Asia Major (e.g.Japan and South Korea), Asia, Developing Countries. The US market has had the best returns so getting a good amount of your holdings there is wise. But, there is risk (FX = if the Canadian dollar strengthens your returns are smaller), until the recent declines the US stock market was overvalued and ripe for a correction (drop).
  6. Most advisors will steer you away from crypto. They might allow you a small mix 1-2% of your investments. Many still view crypto as a Ponzi scheme. Guys on the web will still say you should be looking at 10-20% of you investments into Crypto. Crypto can be broken down roughly into 3 categories: 1) Bitcoin; 2) Tier 1 and Tier 2 alt-coins (Etherium, Solana, XRP, etc….). These are trying to be real and provide a useful service 3) Memecoins or Shitcoins. Dogecoin falls into this category. But, these offer no product or service and are the ones that you risk the “rug-pull”: the creators own 95% of the circulation, get attention to get people buying in a frenzie, pump the price up 10,000-100,000% the sell it all taking the money and run. Also called “the pump & dump”
  7. Most important rule is invest at least 10% of what you make. 20% or more should be your target though. Example: if you make $100k, you should be investing $20k/yr. RRSP’s allow you to invest up to 18%. So, if you put $18k in the RRSP that will give you a $5-6K tax refund that next year you reinvest in the RRSP and now you only need to come up with $14-15K to hit $20K. Once you have that plan then be disciplined and stick to that plan. That means making sacrifices like smaller house, less expensive car, no big trips, avoid spending too much in restaurants and bars, don’t go crazy in clothes (buy stuff you can where for years that do not go out of style). Often those that are financially better off are the ones not showing it. Some of those with the expensive cars and clothes might be heavily in debt.
  8. Be disciplined. Buy and hold in solid companies is what made Warren Buffet a billionaire. Don’t buy just because a stock is up. Don’t sell just because it dropped. Some years you’ll have great returns and some years you’ll lose. But if you hold, the in the long run, you’ll be up. For example if you analyze a mutual fund returns don’t look at 1 year returns. 5 year and 10 years are what to look at as they normalize the good years and bad years.
  9. Understand taxes. If you have a non-registered account that is being managed for you there will be fees. These fees are tax deductible. Pull the statements and record those fees and claim them as a deduction. Dividends, interest (bonds), and capital gains are all taxed differently.
  10. Start early and take advantage of compounding. Compounding is interest upon interest. Warren Buffet described it as a snowball rolling down a hill. The longer the hill the bigger the ball at the end. The length of the hill is from when you start until when you retire. So, starting in your 20s is best. Do that amd tou can be financially independent 5-10 years before you actual retirement date.
Note: if you are just starting out though and have a small portfolio that a private wealth manager doesn’t want to take on then buy index funds:
  1. 50% US
  2. 15-25% Canada
  3. 10-15% Europe, Japan/South Korea
  4. 10% Bonds
  5. 5% Cash, GIC’s, T-Bills
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Rules to investing:

  1. Don’t take advice from someone on the internet
  2. Find a financial advisor that is a fiduciary. Will have to contact a private wealth manager. These firms can offer a range of products not found elsewhere and build a customized portfolio. Banks or some other big name companies usually only sell mutual funds, bonds a GIC’s. Private wealth management firms can offer stocks, preferred shares (instead of bonds), access to real estate investing, etc.
  3. Build a plan based on your risk profile (conservative to very aggressive range).
  4. Diversify your products holdings: RRSP contributions reduce your taxes payable. This just defers tax payment until you withdraw (retirement) at a lower tax rate, FHSA (First Home Savings Account), RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan), TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account), Non-Registered Account, physical gold and silver, real estate. A wealth manager can setup the non-registered account up as a “Corporate Account”. That means activity within it, such as dividends paid, can be reinvested and little to no taxes are paid.
  5. Diversify your holdings. There are multiple diversification strategies here: 1) Product mix (common stock, Preferred stock, bonds, GIC/T-Bills, cash, ETF’s etc.); 2) Sector (Tech, Biotech, Financials, Industrials, Consumer, Energy, Real Estate, etc.); 3) Country (US, Canada, Europe, Asia Major (e.g.Japan and South Korea), Asia, Developing Countries. The US market has had the best returns so getting a good amount of your holdings there is wise. But, there is risk (FX = if the Canadian dollar strengthens your returns are smaller), until the recent declines the US stock market was overvalued and ripe for a correction (drop).
  6. Most advisors will steer you away from crypto. They might allow you a small mix 1-2% of your investments. Many still view crypto as a Ponzi scheme. Guys on the web will still say you should be looking at 10-20% of you investments into Crypto. Crypto can be broken down roughly into 3 categories: 1) Bitcoin; 2) Tier 1 and Tier 2 alt-coins (Etherium, Solana, XRP, etc….). These are trying to be real and provide a useful service 3) Memecoins or Shitcoins. Dogecoin falls into this category. But, these offer no product or service and are the ones that you risk the “rug-pull”: the creators own 95% of the circulation, get attention to get people buying in a frenzie, pump the price up 10,000-100,000% the sell it all taking the money and run. Also called “the pump & dump”
  7. Most important rule is invest at least 10% of what you make. 20% or more should be your target though. Example: if you make $100k, you should be investing $20k/yr. RRSP’s allow you to invest up to 18%. So, if you put $18k in the RRSP that will give you a $5-6K tax refund that next year you reinvest in the RRSP and now you only need to come up with $14-15K to hit $20K. Once you have that plan then be disciplined and stick to that plan. That means making sacrifices like smaller house, less expensive car, no big trips, avoid spending too much in restaurants and bars, don’t go crazy in clothes (buy stuff you can where for years that do not go out of style). Often those that are financially better off are the ones not showing it. Some of those with the expensive cars and clothes might be heavily in debt.
  8. Be disciplined. Buy and hold in solid companies is what made Warren Buffet a billionaire. Don’t buy just because a stock is up. Don’t sell just because it dropped. Some years you’ll have great returns and some years you’ll lose. But if you hold, the in the long run, you’ll be up. For example if you analyze a mutual fund returns don’t look at 1 year returns. 5 year and 10 years are what to look at as they normalize the good years and bad years.
  9. Understand taxes. If you have a non-registered account that is being managed for you there will be fees. These fees are tax deductible. Pull the statements and record those fees and claim them as a deduction. Dividends, interest (bonds), and capital gains are all taxed differently.
  10. Start early and take advantage of compounding. Compounding is interest upon interest. Warren Buffet described it as a snowball rolling down a hill. The longer the hill the bigger the ball at the end. The length of the hill is from when you start until when you retire. So, starting in your 20s is best. Do that amd tou can be financially independent 5-10 years before you actual retirement date.
Note: if you are just starting out though and have a small portfolio that a private wealth manager doesn’t want to take on then buy index funds:
  1. 50% US
  2. 15-25% Canada
  3. 10-15% Europe, Japan/South Korea
  4. 10% Bonds
  5. 5% Cash, GIC’s, T-Bills
I have very little info on investing and I'm affriad of losing my money.

To start out u suggest index funds? Also should I first contact my bank to get Intouch with a wealth advisor. What u recommended for a collage aged guy is decent money saved?
I have very little info on investing and I'm affriad of losing my money.

To start out u suggest index funds? Also should I first contact my bank to get Intouch with a wealth advisor. What u recommended for a collage aged guy is decent money saved?
Your bank will not recommend a wealth advisor with broad offerings. They”ll recommend their own people that can only sell mutual funds and a limited set at that. You can still get index funds through them. But they are generally not proper advisors. You are better off contacting Edward Jones, Fisher Investments or IG. Ask your tamily and friends who they or their parent use and ask for an introduction. Usually advisors want people with bigger portfolios already but some will recognize that if you are starting out and young you could be that type of client in 10 years or so and will take you on. Learn the fee structure. Most should get a piece of the MER (management expense ratio). If investing in stocks the fees are different. If a mutual fund has a 2% MER, then the fund needs to earn 9% returns so that you see 7%. The 2% goes to the fund administrator and your advisor (assume 50/50). So, if your portfolio is $100,000 then they’ll earn $2,000 off you but you’d still have $107,000 after a year. Later, once you get a bigger portfolio you can find more sophisticated advisors with broader offerings. Once you hit $1,000,000 in investments then those are easy to find and will often come knocking. Generally you might have to start with the banks until you have $100k plus then move to those companies I already mentioned. Once you are north of $500K then the better wealth management companies begin to get interested. Think of it in terms of sophistication. The banks are less sophisticated, those larger companies are more sophisticated with wealth planning software and other products (life insurance, stock, retirement planning software), and then top companies are more bespoke but are more sophisticated and usually have CFA’s giving investment advice offering other products.

To start you need to understand your goals. Are you investing for a house or other big purchase? Are you investing for retirement? Depending in the answer will determine if a RRSP, a TFSA, a non-registered account is the right product. For example: if you save for a house, you can withdraw from the RRSP tax free up to a limit. Then you pay tax. So, a TFSA. might be better. You need a proper wealth advisor to discuss that with.

Saving money will make you poor. You are already losing money by saving because of inflation. If there is 3%/year inflation then what you paid $100 today will cost you $103 next year, $106.09 the next year, $109.27 the next year and so on. So, after 3 years, your $100 saved lost 9% of it’s value. If your investments earn 7% then you are 4% better off (7% less 3% inflation)..

You won’t lose your money unless you invest in high risk investments (crypto coins, startup companies) or if you panic sell when the market corrects and goes down. Buy and Hold. An Index fund is a mutual fund that “mirrors” the index (e.g the Dow Jones). It will have stocks in it that represent the mix of the stock exchange. So, it will have Apple, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, etc. in it). The stock market can go down so live with it and don’t panic. When Covid hit my portfolio value dropped huge (like 20% at one point). I did not sell so I lost nothing. And now I’m up alot. Buy and Hold.

Go online and find some retirement savings calculators and investment calculators to play around with. It’s a start to be educated. Learn some other investment principles such as Rule of 72 and the 4% Rule. Rule of 72 is a guideline on how many years to double your money (assuming no further annual contributions). It’s faster to double when you continue to invest. Take 72 and divide by rate of return. So, 72 / 7% equals a little over 10 years. 4% Rule is how much do you need to live off in retirement where your cash withdrawals from you investments will last 30 years or more. So, if you need $100k in income then you need $2.5M in investments (today’s money). If you need $80K, then you need $2.0M.

Just remember that investing is a marathon and not a sprint. There is a saying “the first $100K is the hardest”. That is your first milestone. Then the milestones are $250K, $500K, $1M, $2M, end goal. A good goal is that with contributions, try to double your investment value every 6 or 7 years (give or take). That might be faster when you start given the impact of contributions but slower later on when the returns are bigger than your contributions.
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Doesn't affect me. Other factors affect my hobby frequency though, mostly being time, my location, and waves of desire and what that desire is. I've lately been going less and less and focusing on other things in life. But the economy tanking wont affect me, but I do feel for those that it will.
I’m less likey to try a new girl unless there are some reliable glowing reviews. Usually it’s a bad session and that is just money thrown away. Much more likely to stick to the tried and true mpa’s.

I find the bodyrubs have priced themselves out of consideration though. Here are some of the latest pricing:

Spa40/45 minute price/service60 minute pricenotes
Allure$200$290Strict limits. Bodyslide pricing
SRM$170+$250+Bodyslide pricing (“+” for extras)
Seduction$180+$240+Bodyslide pricing (“+” for extras)
Flirt$200$260Bodyslide pricing

I can go for 60 minutes at an Asian semi-legit and get a better massage and good bodyslide for $160-180 range. Not sure what Allure is thinking these days charging those prices for only a BS.
Who wants to just pay for a body slide. Nonsense
I'm making more money currently but seeing less girls a mix of seeing how the tariffs are gonna affect my job and rising STI cases

I do find it hilarious seeing girls say they will be upping rates when Johns are clearly spending less
Rules to investing:

  1. Don’t take advice from someone on the internet
  2. Find a financial advisor that is a fiduciary. Will have to contact a private wealth manager. These firms can offer a range of products not found elsewhere and build a customized portfolio. Banks or some other big name companies usually only sell mutual funds, bonds a GIC’s. Private wealth management firms can offer stocks, preferred shares (instead of bonds), access to real estate investing, etc.
  3. Build a plan based on your risk profile (conservative to very aggressive range).
  4. Diversify your products holdings: RRSP contributions reduce your taxes payable. This just defers tax payment until you withdraw (retirement) at a lower tax rate, FHSA (First Home Savings Account), RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan), TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account), Non-Registered Account, physical gold and silver, real estate. A wealth manager can setup the non-registered account up as a “Corporate Account”. That means activity within it, such as dividends paid, can be reinvested and little to no taxes are paid.
  5. Diversify your holdings. There are multiple diversification strategies here: 1) Product mix (common stock, Preferred stock, bonds, GIC/T-Bills, cash, ETF’s etc.); 2) Sector (Tech, Biotech, Financials, Industrials, Consumer, Energy, Real Estate, etc.); 3) Country (US, Canada, Europe, Asia Major (e.g.Japan and South Korea), Asia, Developing Countries. The US market has had the best returns so getting a good amount of your holdings there is wise. But, there is risk (FX = if the Canadian dollar strengthens your returns are smaller), until the recent declines the US stock market was overvalued and ripe for a correction (drop).
  6. Most advisors will steer you away from crypto. They might allow you a small mix 1-2% of your investments. Many still view crypto as a Ponzi scheme. Guys on the web will still say you should be looking at 10-20% of you investments into Crypto. Crypto can be broken down roughly into 3 categories: 1) Bitcoin; 2) Tier 1 and Tier 2 alt-coins (Etherium, Solana, XRP, etc….). These are trying to be real and provide a useful service 3) Memecoins or Shitcoins. Dogecoin falls into this category. But, these offer no product or service and are the ones that you risk the “rug-pull”: the creators own 95% of the circulation, get attention to get people buying in a frenzie, pump the price up 10,000-100,000% the sell it all taking the money and run. Also called “the pump & dump”
  7. Most important rule is invest at least 10% of what you make. 20% or more should be your target though. Example: if you make $100k, you should be investing $20k/yr. RRSP’s allow you to invest up to 18%. So, if you put $18k in the RRSP that will give you a $5-6K tax refund that next year you reinvest in the RRSP and now you only need to come up with $14-15K to hit $20K. Once you have that plan then be disciplined and stick to that plan. That means making sacrifices like smaller house, less expensive car, no big trips, avoid spending too much in restaurants and bars, don’t go crazy in clothes (buy stuff you can where for years that do not go out of style). Often those that are financially better off are the ones not showing it. Some of those with the expensive cars and clothes might be heavily in debt.
  8. Be disciplined. Buy and hold in solid companies is what made Warren Buffet a billionaire. Don’t buy just because a stock is up. Don’t sell just because it dropped. Some years you’ll have great returns and some years you’ll lose. But if you hold, the in the long run, you’ll be up. For example if you analyze a mutual fund returns don’t look at 1 year returns. 5 year and 10 years are what to look at as they normalize the good years and bad years.
  9. Understand taxes. If you have a non-registered account that is being managed for you there will be fees. These fees are tax deductible. Pull the statements and record those fees and claim them as a deduction. Dividends, interest (bonds), and capital gains are all taxed differently.
  10. Start early and take advantage of compounding. Compounding is interest upon interest. Warren Buffet described it as a snowball rolling down a hill. The longer the hill the bigger the ball at the end. The length of the hill is from when you start until when you retire. So, starting in your 20s is best. Do that amd tou can be financially independent 5-10 years before you actual retirement date.
Note: if you are just starting out though and have a small portfolio that a private wealth manager doesn’t want to take on then buy index funds:
  1. 50% US
  2. 15-25% Canada
  3. 10-15% Europe, Japan/South Korea
  4. 10% Bonds
  5. 5% Cash, GIC’s, T-Bills
The cheat code to retire with unlimited bjs at the spa!
I have very little info on investing and I'm affriad of losing my money.

To start out u suggest index funds? Also should I first contact my bank to get Intouch with a wealth advisor. What u recommended for a collage aged guy is decent money saved?
Not sure which bank you use. Here are some returns from TD as a reference. Don’t look at bond index returns as bonds are all about the quarterly interest payouts. The returns are based on a change in price which is driven by a change in interest rates. .

Index5 yr annual return10 year annual return
Europe 10.23%6.17%
If you have to travel further, are you saving much? Gas is pricey… especially when you are sitting in traffic.

I think I am starting to become super selective on who I see now. Less likely to see someone on a whim.
Try using Gas Buddy app. I am finding gas pump prices drop almost 10cents after 8pm..
  1. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young girls are working today.💕Young Fun Ivy 30’s big buttocks with 36DD open mind and young cute Vicki with curve body good deep massage 30’s, young pretty Ella and sweet GFE Lina 36DD good massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  2. Red_Pearl_Spa:
    💋at 4385 Sheppard Avenue east, unit 5 🔺💋💋🔴Wednesday, 💞💋Yoyo,💗 slim body and pretty, here for therapeutic treatment with relaxation+ ❤💥 Tammy, full body treatment by an amazing attendant... cheerful very fun 💋☎️ 647 352-1588☎️
  3. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day, Young Cute Chinese Jesse, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  4. lemon_tree:
    💛💥a discreet entrance at 4155 Sheppard Avenue east, unit 201 💯💗💋Wednesday, ❣❤ Alina,💋💋 awesome body, very pretty and friendly, skilled hands to relax you and knows how to make you happy 😊 Lisa, 💖💋 📞 647 348-2899📞
  5. Red Rose Spa:
    🌸 We have 9 hot brown girls today 🌸 PAOLA, SARA, PRIYA, AMMU, ASHA, PREETI, ANAYA, ANGEL 🌸 2588 Birchmount 🌸 2 Invergordon 🌸 647-702-8800 🌸 Please visit for a great erotic massage
  6. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Niko and Kiki work
  7. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Sasa Vietnamese Cici Vietnamese Natalie filipina mixed Selena Vietnamese Judy Vietnamese Sami Vietnamese ☎️ 647-446-0886
  8. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘Pink Mini Nipples Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘 very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back
  9. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Just another ♥️ WILD WED ♥️A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Exciting Echo, Ellegant Ella, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICK OF THE DAY GOES TO EXCITING ECHO**
  10. JimiNY:
    Jenny, Cindy, Coco, Jasmine, Amber, JPN Yui, Tina, Akino, Lucy & Doris— ready to pamper you🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  11. DareDevil:
    JUST RELAX WELLNESS: 160 EAST BEAVER CREEK RD #17, RICHMOND HILL, Tel(905) 707 5877 Website:Just Relax Wellness Centre GTA'S most prestigious spas. 7 Well trained girls working today: Connie, Nancy, Eva, Selina, Sasa, Rebecca and Alice . Promo:LIMITED TIME SPECIAL 30MIN FOOT+60MIN BODY ONLY $80
  12. EMSpa_schedule:
    Tomorrow's sneak peek: On Wednesday March 26, 2025, our attendants will be Opal 🤗, Cici 😘, Sandy 😍, Yoyo 🍑 and Carla 🥰 Call (905) 479-6668 to book!
  13. Shangri-la Spa:
    💆‍♀💖Tomorrow Wed💖 Ultimate destination for Asian massages🎉 Two fab spots: Richmond Hill & Oakville✨ Your passport to paradise with 10 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea — 🆕Jenny, Cindy, Coco, Jasmine, Amber, JPN Yui, Tina, Akino, Lucy & Doris— ready to pamper you🎁🍁 Ring us 📞647-695-6354 or text us 📱647-578-8169✨ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill 💰Where Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits🙌
  14. Pink Flower Spa:
  15. New spring spa@:
    ❤️sexy hot Filipino 🌸Germany 🌸 Korean girl working at💓💓 Nu spring spa ☎️416-669-8508❤️❤️❤️
  16. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Tasty Tuesday! A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Baby Selena, Elegant Ella, Lovely Lucy, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICKS OF THE DAY GOES TO YOUNG LORI AND ELEGANT ELLA**
  17. Jenny’s Spa:
  18. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Tuesday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💓Nora, Mia, Jojo, Sunny, Michelle, Yumi and Candy 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  19. wonderspa:
    . 🌺🌺Wonder spa,(9421Jane st unit127)call416-5000-800☎️best massage in vaughan,Tuesday RMT available, Today's special recommendation 💄sexy very young girl Mimi,natural c cup,very good looking nice body slide,really popular 😻 🍎long hair Lucy Q smile,very good strong to relax oil massage, Relieve pain and remove stress,more experience .must try🌹💋give you amazing time🔥
  20. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl Ivy big boobs 36DD 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, Mia charming breasts 36D pink nipples good massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking
  21. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Tasty Tuesday! A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Baby Selena, Elegant Ella, Lovely Lucy, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICKS OF THE DAY GOES TO YOUNG LORI AND ELEGANT ELLA**
  22. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! ✅ Click Here Today🌸Susan🌸Cassy🌸Luna🌸Lily🌸Maria Call us ☎ 905 - 265 - 2158☎️ Your ultimate service awaits! ✨
  23. Red Rose Spa:
    🌸 We have 5 hot brown girls today 🌸ASHA, PAYAL PEARL, MONIKA, ANGEL, AMANDA, MIMI, SALMA, JULY, SARIKA 🌸 2588 Birchmount 🌸 2 Invergordon 🌸 647-702-8800 🌸 Please visit for a great erotic massage
  24. HollywoodSpa:
    Tuesday at 🎭𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗔🎭, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: COCO & SISI. ☎416-222-5554☎ COCO is an attractive attendant with nice massage skills & good services. SISI is a sweet slim beauty, 5’2”, with a beauty ass, excellent massage, and amazing services. Come and see why she is so popular. When you visit 🎭Hollywood Spa🎭, you will be treated with tender care
  25. ForeverWarden:
    Tuesday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Cindy, Tracy & Vivian. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups. Her massage is nice, her services will drive you wild & her finish is a dream come true. Tracy is an incredibly cute & pretty Japanese/Taiwanese mixed spinner, about 5’1” and 100 lbs. She is very popular for her exotic massage & services.
  26. HolidaySpa:
    Tuesday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️: EMMA, JENNY & CINDY. EMMA is a very beautiful slim Chinese honey with C Cups, beauty face, & nice services to drive you wild. Jenny has a medium build, nicely curvy with a slim waist, pretty face, and very flexible skills. Jenny will make you very happy
  27. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, New First Day, Young Cute Chinese Jesse, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye
  28. SugarLoveSpa:
    Tuesday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: KELLY, MIMI, & TIFFANY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York. KELLY is a young Singaporean lady with liberal skills. MIMI is a slim & busty Asian/Euro mix beauty, 50Kgs & 1M60. Mimi has a very versatile range of services. TIFFANY is an amazing slim petite doll with natural 34C melons, slim waist, & a cute little 33” booty.
  29. AliceSpa:
    TUESDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Young Beauties Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm: DORIS: is a slim Taiwanese sweetie with C Cups, smooth wheat color skin, soft voice, kissing queen, dfk cim rim bbbj, all services. KITTY (11:30am-9pm) : is a new Korean girl, super busty, small body, new to the business. Very friendly, no rush, dfk, bbbj
  30. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Tina ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament pink,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Helen , Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Vicky , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 🦵🦵👅👅👄👄🈵🈵
  31. Moneylee:
    full season wellness center: NewYoung girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Cherry , Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Anika ,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Selena ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bobo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 🏠 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 🦵🦵👅👅👄👄🈵🈵
  32. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 young girls are working today.💕Young cute Mia 25’s good deep massage and young sweet Sophia 30’s slime good massage, young pretty Viki 30’s with curve body good massage and fun GFE Lina 36DD good massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  33. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Kiki and Bella work
  34. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Yumi😘💋A striking new tall gorgeous Korean model with long, flowing reddish-brown hair cascading down her back and a slender, elegant figure that exudes grace and poise. Yumi’s natural confidence and allure, make her approachable
  35. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Sami Vietnamese Girl Cici Cute Vietnamese Girl Natalie filipina mixed Petite girl Judy Vietnamese Sasa friendly Vietnamese girl ☎️647- 446-0886
  36. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl Ivy big boobs 36DD 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, Mia charming breasts 36D pink nipples good massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking s
  37. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Tasty Tuesday! A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Baby Selena, Elegant Ella, Lovely Lucy, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICKS OF THE DAY GOES TO YOUNG LORI AND ELEGANT ELLA**
  38. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's our sneak peek for tomorrow: On Tuesday March 25, 2025, our attendants will be Ada 😍, Cici 😘, Ivy 🍑, Christina 🤗 and Monica 🥰 See you then! Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  39. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Just another Manic Monday! A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Exciting Echo, Sensational Sunny, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICK OF THE DAY GOES TO YOUNG LORI AND EXCITING ECHO**
  40. Red Rose Spa:
    🌸 We have 5 hot brown girls today 🌸 MONICA, PAOLA, PRIYA, MONIKA, AMANDA, ASHA, PREETI, SARIKA, ANGEL 🌸 2588 Birchmount 🌸 2 Invergordon 🌸 647-702-8800 🌸 Please visit for a great erotic massage
  41. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Yoyo ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Ella , Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 🦵🦵👅👅👄👄🈵🈵
  42. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts May, Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Vita ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bobo, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .☎️4379857899 🦵🦵👄👄👅👅🈵🈵
  43. New spring spa@:
    🌹🌹🌹sexy hot Latino 💖 Malaysian 💖 korean girls 👍working at Nu spring spa💋💋☎️416-669-8508🌹🌹
  44. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹2 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New Japanese girl Nina ❤️ Natural Big Boobs 38 DD 😘Pink Mini Nipples Hot body slide, super enjoyable😘😘😘😘 very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back
  45. BlueXado Therapy & Spa:
  46. Suko 5Girls:
    Suko Spa schdule today on Monday is with 7 lovely💓ladies💓Coco (new), Nora, Jojo, Sunny, Michelle, Alice and Candy 🛣 420 ValleymedeDr, Richmond Hill, same plaza McDonalds 📞☎ 905-597-8880 ☎
  47. wonderspa:
    🌹❤️‍🔥 Wonder spa [9421Jane st unit 127)L6a 4H8,Please ☎️4165000-800,Ensuit rain shower now is available ,every day 4 nice girls working,💄Amy is Vietnamese young sex girl,open maid,everything she can do,💄Mimi is very beautiful face long leg friendly ,nice body slide,really popular must try💄beautiful long hairMina deep tuissue to relaxing massage,amazing the end touched,more experience,relief stress
  48. AliceSpa:
    MONDAY at 𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔, 4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟮𝟵𝟴-𝟬𝟴𝟵𝟴. 3 Sexy Young Girls Today at Alice Spa. Open 10am to 9pm : DORIS: is a slim Taiwanese sweetie with C Cups, smooth wheat color skin, soft voice, kissing queen, dfk cim rim bbbj, all services. KIKI (1pm-9pm): A young, short & petite Taiwanese cutie, firm body, 5’2”, natural C Cups. Kiki has strong massage skills
  49. DareDevil:
    ARIA WELLNESS: 360 HWY 7, UNIT #6, RICHMOND HILL,647-222-5683/905.886.9993 Just another Manic Monday! A loaded lineup with Young Beautiful Girls : Young Lori is back, Exciting Echo, Sensational Sunny, Magical Mia and Work out🏋🚴💪 Babe Amy! Take advantage of New 4 hands Duo Promo 30 mins for only $70. BUY 10 HOURS (GET 11 HOURS) or BUY 5 HOURS (GET 6 HOURS) ASK ABOUT RMT COVERAGE. "PICK OF THE DAY GOES TO YOUNG LORI AND EXCITING ECHO**
  50. Jenny’s Spa: