You have a greater chance dying while waiting for healthcare in Canada - on a waiting list - than you do from SARS. Put things in perspective. In Canada, thousands of people die while waiting for medical care and no one seems to notice.
Dont believe me? Ask a surgeon in one of our hospitals if he/she gets to all their patients on time, or, if there are numerous times throughout the year where they simply cant operate on everyone waiting their turn to receive treatment.
God, I wish I was as dumb as the typical Canadian. Life would be bliss.
2 of my family members have died while being denied healthcare (waiting lists) and before my time is up, I likely will lose more family members.
Yet guys on a hooker review forum are worried about SARS.
I shake my head everyday living in this fucked up world.
That's why I put so much importance on booking Asian Angela. I could be dead in 10 years time, so I dont take things for granted.
When my time is up on this earth, I will judge the quality of life I lived by the number of times I fucked Angela.