Just another mangina. You know you miss a doer so you can watch, because there are doers and watchers and you're a mangina watcher. No MPA's are going to give you free service and send you kitty pictures unless you're the one responsible for all of he traffic on this board.
Blacks are often watchers who don't get offers to go to Wonderland with MPA's and if they did I wouldn't go that day because I don't associate with them. They listen to the hippety hoppety music and have bad culture with the stabbing and the robbing. I'll spend that day to go and drop the wife off at the Pacific mall and go lick Angela's body all over. I would have about 25 minutes to do it because I only need 3 minutes for sex because I cum so quickly. I would use the other two minutes to propose to Angela because she is like the Wayne Gretzky of Asian SP's.
I'm a libe