Personally, I wouldn't touch the donuts for fear of some dirty pooner having pussy juice and jizz on his fingers from pulling off the rubber after his session mauling the donuts first...
I can see it now:
Pooner #1 thinking to himself after session: "Jelly? No..I'll put that back....Boston Cream? How appropriate....but no! I'll take the timbit in the middle at the bottom!...gotta reach through the other ones..oops...mashed the double it! Mmmmm! Wait, why doesn't my finger smell good? It's got donut sugar glaze on it (munch)...oh well."
Pooner # 2 10 min after Pooner #1 leaves..."Hey, donuts! Cool! These are great! I wonder what the secret ingrediant is?"
(Hint: The secret ingrediant is "love" sucka!)