Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Cali, yer questions been answered.There's a distinction, of not wanting to answer questions and posting questions with questions. Lets see where you are at XTC? YOUR POSTS GOING FORWARD, WILL TELL EVERYONE!
Truth or what have ya. This Cali guy you mention, not sure you have any pedestal to stand on in correlation. But go ahead and try. Do your best.
My friends , wait, for your massage planet, superior intelligence, to respond. Hence, you make mistakes.
You have flaws xtc. I can point them out any day of the week. GO AHEAD,, ASK ME>

U wanna ask private stuff? R u a rookie ? U been around the block a bit, right? U gotta DM

BTW, I being kind 2u eh? But yer new ID been mbr since last yr… no reviews.

As I said, I no it’s been hard 4u. Let’s talk. DM me, dude… I won’t bite.