Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
As predicted… post & post & post! Not one upvote or response… & keeps posting.How about Seneca? Only saw her in the hall but i can give you a good description.Want me to start with her? Or Erica I had her butt naked. Wanna hear about her body? Seen every nook of it.
Sophie? The half asian girls that you say are gorgeous? Want me to describe Alyssa distinctly?
How about Cherry or Lilian?
How does it feel 2b my puppet?

Well? U wanna post a review of these girls?
What’s stopping u ? Huh?

It’s tuff when u go manic, eh? U say all kinda stuff u cant back up.
Guys interested in Erica can check out my review. Or u can wait till Mr Germaphobe reads my review & tries to imitate it.

The land of the bipolar! Here we are again!
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