Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Semilegit service only, no bj or fs…How much mileage do the girls at this spa do? I think most semilegits become full service if you repeat enough times with the girl.

… I’m not naive enuf 2 think it nvr happens, but … gals @ Bellagio ≠ former escorts! Most of them have massage-only

If u date a girl, shur, sex gonna happen eventually, but semilegits ≠ dating… the gals really like some clients, even do lots xxxtras, but unlikely 2 do penetration…
Some semilegits, tho, it’s true, u repeat & bj/fs happens… some of those girls work @ fs places on other days of the wk… so it’s no big deal… but not @ this spa.
Not saying u cant get lucky, but u cant count on it.