Sounds like Lavida does decent hj also from what somecool says. And Aritzia is legit only. I tried to make an appointment tonight with Lavida but somebody grabbed her for 2 hours. I can try again after dinner. When does Sami get back?
Sami’s in today… another noobie rising star

… it really gets my attn when a girl adds LFK 2 her menu as fast as Sami has

I luv LFK/DFK girls… but those letters ≠ whole story… some gals give u a minute or 2… some can go whole sesh! Obv YMMV involved… but some girls really love

kissing, & if u click & u like it, they’ll give u as much as u want!
I feel like it needs a special symbol, like an asterisk * … & marathon

kissing sesh possible!
… we use2 have a few girls like that… & I think Bellagio added some new ones… I’m just not sure yet who they are!
… Amy’s ok… she cooperates w anything w/i semilegit limits… but not really a marathon

kisser… after a bit

LFK, she’s offering OTHER body parts 2b kissed … I’m shur most guys gonna b happy w that!
Rica teased

me after… she tried 2 lure me away f/ Amy @ the beginning till she found out I had appntmnt… telling me over & over how much she LUVED kissing men… even if they had moustaches & beards
I’ve seen Rica twice & no marathon kissing happened… mebbe 3rd time = the charm! Or mebbe since I tried Amy, she’s gonna use

kissing 2 get me back! I hope so..
… I’m also very curious re Lavida…. I’m hearing lots of words like “very friendly” that hint @ something more…
Lucy? If she likes u , w repeats, definitely possible… but I don’t think she’s really a marathon kisser … w those

lips tho, it’d b lotsa of fun!