Darn. I guess I can ignore the GFV after Irene’s name, too.
IMHO… the letters
G F E do not belong in semilegit spa reviews … per Urban Dictionary & the HBO series (
that was amazing!)’… there is very specific definition including acts not done at semi-legit spas (anyway, not supposed 2b

But … other nearby spas continue 2 use it when they just mean “the girl is friendly”… others lately use it 2 suggest kissing

Bellagio’s compromise = use GFV which is

girl friend vibe … the correct word for that feeling of flirty friendliness without suggesting

kissing or sex acts … but usually we put both GFE & GFV together … but it means GFV = the feeling!
Complicating things… we really do have some gals kissing

… but we mark them w LFK / DFK (depending what they do) …
@OppaiLover said, GFV & even GFE @
Bellagio on their own just mean the friendly flirty feeling…
What happened w Wind & Irene ? They had ‘zero xxxperience’ after their names … but after a few months, ofc they got some xxxperience… so that got removed… but they been trained 2 give clients that happy flirty feeling… thus GFV.
Notice it is ONLY GFV just so it’s clear, they’re not doing anything @ all beyond …
Some Bellagio gals

don’t have that GFV… Shallon = very nice but always professional, legit msg only, doesn’t flirt @ all… she’s really gd @ msg BTW… much 2 pretty dammit … but yer nvr gonna get confused, she does nuthin like a gf.
Anya? Nope. Too new, doesn’t do GFV yet …
Lucy doesn’t have those letters … but she’s a GFV superstar ofc

… most girls @ Bellagio deliver that xxxperience unless they’re legit only.