I’m just tryna think what its gonna b like… I no u like 2 walkin rather than set apptmnts, & Cecelia’s notorious 4 taking apptmnts directly f/ her many regs… I no yer gonna get restless & look around…
… Lucy’s definitely a main course

but… she’s training newbies this wk… if u notice some very young cute lil girls running around… leave’m alone, they’re newbies in training, no xxxtras @ all, just learning

msg… dunno if u might tempt them but prolly theyre 2 scared 1st wk on the job! And Lucy doesn’t do xxxtras w them in the rm… @least @ 1st!
Very fun spa, not hard 2c why theres some xtc-envy out there
Ask 4 the lineup if u like, but

remember who does what… based on face & body alone, I’d pick Anya…
but that’d b a wrong choice since I like sucking on titties

& really prefer

DFK … neither of which she does… then Id pick adorable lil Wind, who seriously flirted w me b4… hmm, I might get somewhere but I might get nowhere… U might just pick Victoria! Then…

dammit, gal won’t take off her panties… so unless u wanna play the newbie game 2c if u can get more mileage, Cecelia’s really the best choice…