Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Nope.Well said? Oh Peggy Sue, I guess getting rebuffed for a date from the post-op who pegged you was traumatizing: wait, that doesn't feel like a finger, yer not coming to Swiss Chalet anymore, sob sob, groan groan. Surprised Junko has her own junk. Priceless.
Oblivious to facts showing my promotion offer:
View attachment 654857
Nothing but the facts, ma'am. No emojis required.
And really, I know you are trying to get over your reliance on scatalogical insults but you can't believe anything Busted says is well written, thought out, or even passably coherent. You are the biggest trolling joke here. Ball of confusion, takes it up the ass but calls other guys fags, hyporcriscy thy name is Socalled-Dipshit. Busted is exactly the sort of pretentious twat, calling others peasants, and flexing his mileage he thinks only a self described ubermensch like him gets (even from the highest mileage girls in the spa known to flatter men, only morons are gullible enough to believe: only for you baby...) that you used to reasonably troll, How often you find yourself on the same side as I am still here shows exactly the acumen of the current company you align with.
And XTC, I have no problem putting up with the trolls and the muppets, like swatting flies. Just thought you wanted me to take it elsewhere. You literally said as much but then tried to have it both ways. Again, I prefer to have this happen elsewhere, no complaints, as you wish. But you want Misfire and Busta, ace troll and the dumbest krayjee bot sycophant in the spa galaxy, to play vendetta here , interupt the muppet show and fill pages with their spam, you do you.

Obv u cant even take yer own advice. SMH.

U xxxpected me 2 take this… FRANKLY SANCTIMONIOUS … advice… 2 suck it up, absorb the insults … on MY OWN THREAD.
However, u cannot even bear the slightest suggestion that u r not an amazing person… even an emoji sets u off … meanwhile, u & yer team do

Try 2 accept … yer not gr8. Some ppl hate, despise u , others respect u. Yer just an ordinary msgplanet mbr, not a superstar. In fact, sadly, u have become a real troll

This is reality.
While I can b a bigger man & ignore provocation f/ spatwat, pornprince, Jiminy & his many fake

U cant take yer own advice.
In essence, WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. Regardless of the source of this dispute, it is in essence a clash of male egos, and not one that is pleasant for anyone to have to observe. The real problem again is that it has moved from the online cesspool of trolling into the realm of real people and real businesses. Put the ladies first, and then deal with your issues. I don't know how or where you can actually address the primary enmity here, but show some respect for Lucy