Active Member
It seems there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of this business. Let’s clarify a few things:I think you misunderstand the hobby as it is practiced in Toronto. There are spas that only offer handjobs, where blowjobs and full sex are difficult to get. They are semi legitimate spas. If you want only a handjob, these girls will be pleased to perform. A holistic spa has girls that specialize in bj and full sex, and they will be neither pleased to offer hj nor skilled at it. They will be unhappy to accept $40 or $60 tip as well, unlike the SL mpas.
A) This is NOT a hobby—it’s a service-based transaction per client with monetary compensation. A buyer and a seller agree on terms, just like any other business. The idea that services are offered on demand, like a vending machine, is simply incorrect. Proven failure and obsolete.
B) The notion of "semi-legitimate" spas is a marketing illusion created to categorize businesses in a way that suits certain narratives. It doesn’t change the fundamental structure: owners set the environment, but the providers themselves determine pricing and services. When management controls what a provider earns, that’s manipulation—plain and simple. A tool from Human Traffickers.
C) The idea that certain providers are "not skilled" at specific services is a misconception. If a provider doesn’t offer something, it’s because she doesn’t want to—end of story. This isn’t about skill; it’s about consent and personal choice. Those who agree to provide a service set their price, and that’s the transaction.
D) Pricing isn’t up for negotiation like a flea market. You don’t walk into a store, and run away with free stuff, demand a different price, or take only part of a product and walk away. If a provider sets a price, that’s the price—respect it.
E) SL and similar are .................. and have reputations for a reason, and those who understand how things work won’t need anyone to fill in the blanks.
At the end of the day, this is a business. Trying to justify lower tips by comparing different establishments doesn’t change the fact that providers determine their own worth, not the clients.