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  1. Z

    WHich Amps take credit cards?

    Amex preferably....
  2. N


    What's the pros and cons of taking credit cards.How many of you accept credit cards?Visa, discover, MC, AE What's the opppinion out there?etc.
  3. M

    8 million people abandon credit cards
  4. D

    Clients credit card declined, reason HOLD CALL

    Does anyone know what HOLD CALL means when a CC is declined?? I was processing a CC from a client who purchased a GC from SPABOOM. I use PROPAY. The gift cert was purchased on Wednesday, and today is Friday. Should I just wait a few days and try it again?? Or should I call the client...
  5. R

    Taking that big step, getting a credit card teminal

    Hi all, Well, I have decided it is time to get a cc terminal. I have been using for the last 2 years and can feel my business out growing it. For those who dont know, propay is an easy way to accept credit cards without investing in a cc terminal. You can either enter...
  6. A

    Accepting credit cards - what company NOT to use

    IMS - International Merchant Services 55 East 63rd Street Westmount, IL 60559 My co workers and I have had nothing but problems with this company. *"accidental" $95 charges (2 months in a row) *Uppping the monthly fees right after we signed up with them *They...
  7. M

    spaboom, credit cards, GCs, merchant accounts....ack!

    OK I've worked myself into a mental pretzel again and I think I need to straighten back out.... :) Background: Our practice is low-volume but slowly expanding. I'm trying to get more GC sales, so I'm planning ahead now so that all the bugs are worked out by fall, when the seasonal buying...
  8. L

    Credit Crunching

    Hi guys, Given the general world wide squeeze on all our finances, is this affecting the bars and the lassies? Have prices gone up or down? And are there as many people coming to visit these days? 37 days and counting to my next tour, it's been 2 years since the last one and the excitement...
  9. J

    Advice on Credit Card Processing Services

    I need some advice ASAP on choosing a credit card service to use for my practice. I am getting several calls asking if I offer that option and feel it may be costing me new business that I don't offer it. Any information options, fees, etc. would be GREATLY appreciated! ABMP recommends one...
  10. R

    credit cards

    Could someone advise me on the best way (and cheapest) to set up accepting credit cards in my office.  I have a lot of clients who have requested and feel that it would benefit me $$$  Some of my client use the debit cards that are visa adn don't carry cash around.  Any help/advise would be...
  11. E

    accepting credit cards or not??

    I see between 10-16 clients a week.  Every week can be different.  At the present time, I do not take credit cards.  Is it really worth it for such a small business?    I really did not want to go there unless I was seeing more clients, but I do not intend to do more than 16 a week.  That is my...
  12. T

    Best AMP for a married guy with a shared credit card?

    Really want to find a good AMP that comes off as a real massage place so the wife doesn't think twice about it. Considering Thai experience on Shepherd. Looks legit and is close to me, but does anyone else out there have other suggestions? Muchas gracias!!
  13. B

    What credit card company do you use?

    My Propay account is up for renewal next month and I am considering switching to try and save some money on transaction fees...I just have the basic account right now and it's 3.5% of the sale plus 35 cents per transfer. I just spoke with a merchant company (I think it was Term Net or...
  14. P

    Using "Square" for Credit Processing

    I know this has been brought up in a few other threads, but hasn't been discussed in-depth so I thought I'd start a thread for it here. I just signed up tonight and am waiting for my card reader to arrive before I start using it. Those of you who are already Square users, what can you tell me...
  15. A

    Who do you use for credit card processing?

    Hi all, I'm just getting around to offering credit card payment for my clients, and am trying to decide who to use. Paypal offers the service, but I would have to have internet access, which is tricky when doing house calls. I've read about companies like Flagship and Merchants, which seem...
  16. Y

    Accepting Credit cards?

    I think this is a must for a massage business. Right now I only accept credit cards through paypal, and while it works, its only usefull if the client pays before the massage. I know alot of clients would like to just pay at the time of service so I want to get set up to maybe phoning in the...
  17. S

    credit cards or not?

    in the 2 months since we've been in the new location, hubby says he's had *at least* 13 people ask if he took credit cards. i'm wondering who here takes credit cards, what sort of impact has it had on your business, and if you don't mind, sharing who you use for the services and what...
  18. M

    Accepting credit cards - long and includes some venting

    I have been accepting credit cards for 4 years now and it's getting more and more expensive. I have my account through NOVA network and I accept only Visa and MC (No AmEx or Discover). Every month I get charged more and more. I had my statement looked at by a friend who works for a different...
  19. S

    Accepting Credit Cards

    I need to get set up to accept credit cards.  Any suggestions on what to look for (and what to look out for) or recommendations on particular companies?
  20. M

    accepting credit cards

    I am new to this message board and have a question about accepting credit cards.  I have been in private practice for almost 2 years now working out of an office and currently only accepting cash or check.  For the convenience for my clients, I have been considering the option of accepting...