
  1. Pompal 09.

    How panhandlers use free credit cards What would happen if, instead of spare change, you handed a person in need the means to shop for whatever they needed? What would they buy? Can you spare your credit card, sir? In New York City, an...
  2. Bryan

    Whats going on my credit card bill show RICHARD T ROBERTSON INC EDMONTON?

    I found it out this morning it charged me $20.01 it does not come with phone number but just this name RICHARD T ROBERTSON INC EDMONTON. Anyone idea what this is and where can I find them and contract them to get my money back. I do not know where they got my credit card numbers and charged me...
  3. J

    which is best credit card to get frequent flyer points with singapore airlines?

    hi im confused im a gold card holder with singapore airlines and want to build up my points from outside the traveling system, which is the best credit card to give points which i can use on singapore airlines
  4. E

    Seems like this is sort of like credit...

    Well it's been interesting to say the least. I never figured it would matter if I posted reviews here on massageplanet. I always post on perb. The problem is, if you need advice here, you had better of posted a few reviews, or everyone (and rightfully so) thinks it's shill. So please forgive me...
  5. R

    Are Credit Cards accepted in MPs

    I'm a bit tight on cash this trip and was wondering if Credit Cards are accepted for sessions in New Fantasy, Zona Blue or any other MP in San Jose? Thanks
  6. S

    Credit cards in mp's

    Do most MP's accept them? I always just use cash but a buddy is coming for part of my trip and rarely uses paper for anything. I know NF, ZB take them... Idem? any of the smaller joints take them? Also, how does it appear on the billing if anyone knows? Thanks in advance!
  7. W

    Quick Any Mps That Take Credit Card

    Do U Know Any Mps That Take Credit Card
  8. soph

    Credit Card or Cash??

    I imagine that the most favorable exchange rate is when you use your credit card. So the question is do the more upscale massage parlors (Zona Blue I believe fits that bill) accept credit cards or is it all strictly on a cash basis?
  9. A

    port credit mp

    I have seen an ad in the star occassionally advertising an mp in Port Credit. They are located on Stavebank just north of Lakeshore Rd. I have called and they work on an appointment basis only. Has anybody been here. I am not sure if they are legit or ???. I have done a search but nothing showed...
  10. F

    Giving Credit Where It's Due

    Just some comments regarding Studio B. Once again I arrived on time for my appointment only to find that the person before me arrived a good fifteen minutes late for his. This time and as I recall, the last time, I was not sent out into the cold to wait in my car. Both times a kind and...
  11. K

    Credit Card payment on weekends?

    Hi all, I am just wondering does any MP take credit card as payments? Also, I am aware that IT and HFH are not taking credit cards on the weekends, anybody has a clue why? Thanks
  12. J

    Any MP's take credit cards or debit?

    Just curious. This includes ths and/or plush and what it would be billed. THX
  13. H

    Sharing my Story (Theft of cash and credit card)

    Hey Guys, I did something pretty stupid today that I would like to share with you in the hopes of helping you avoid the problems I incurred. I like visiting private ladies for a massage. It is typically less expensive and they let you touch them more freely than in many of the established...
  14. C

    Which MP's take Credit Cards?

    Is there a list of KNOWN MP's that can accept credit cards? Visa or Amex in particular. I dont have to worry of others finding my CC bill, and my employer has given me a card on which I can put expenses while I'm visiting TO for the next couple of days.
  15. S

    When was the child tax credit introduced in uk?

    I was born in the united kingdom in 1962. I migrated to Jamaica with my parents and then came to canada in 1982. I need to know when was the the child tax introduced in the UK and if so am I entitled to get my benefits seen that I did not receive any over the years. I do not know where to...
  16. S

    Ideas to Beat the Credit Crunch!!!‏

    DON'T waste money on expensive ipods. Simply think of your favourite tune and hum it. If you want to "switch tracks", simply think of another song you like and hum that instead. DON'T waste money on expensive paper shredders to avoid having your identity stolen. Simply place a few dog turds...
  17. D

    What would happen to ur Credit Card after u die?

    FWD MAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You would do well to cancel your Credit Card before you die.. Else .... Here is a true conversation transcript with Citi Bank Callcentre. This is so priceless, and so very...
  18. C

    I'm a newbie when it comes to credit cards.?

    I'm a newbie when it comes to credit cards. I would like to ask if it's possible to get a credit card with no annual fee. If so, where do I get them?
  19. S

    Free Credit commercial on golf course sounds too much like Jonas

    Brothers song "Introducing Me"? I heard the song in the commercial and think this sounds very much like the Jonas Brothers song. Anybody agree? Is this illegal without the Brothers permission. FCR seems awful shady and not just because of this. Here is the commercial...