Hi bro'

wat i could understand that you will be staying for a weekend in kol so its like 2 days
about the questions you raised
a)Accomodation..i feel you can have a look in Sudder street in Parkstreet its a place which have quite many foreigners and is a very chill out place to stay i once had a word with one of those cheap hotels they said 300 for a night and i feel its pity much okay for a single person to stay in there the best thing is you can avail to metro service hop in metro parkstreet get down at shobabazar station( 4 bucks ticket) so you save a lot on time and money on travelling and Reviewom there as you come out you will see a monginis cake shop just cross it and walk straight cross the road and keep walking you will see Exide building that's where the entire area(SG) you need to though have to search in sudder street there may be cheaper options too or else look in Central avenue area you may get options out there too but i would prefer Sudder street because its a proper place Parkstreet at a stone throw distance and with foreigners around you will like the place for sure there are quite many good bars

too in there so its a rocking place to stay and enjoy.
b)about how to reach NL,NK,PB and others i would say you that once you reach shobabazar metro u will see this monginis shop just walk past that cross the road and walk staright for say 2 mins and you will see the EXide building on the other side of the road cross the road and don't enter Reviewom Exide side just enter 2-3 lanes before Exide its much more quieter in there and then take a left turn and the last building is Prem Bandhan you will see pimps sitting over there so you can either go in alone or take a pimp with you mostly 2100 an hour some may say 3k too depends on the chick act like you have been to the place before anyways its smpe no prblms.the best thing is take a pimp and visit all the buildings as you are new and see Pb NL say the names Neelkamal nightlovers prembandhan kanchan place say them so he may know you know the place say him first that one of my Reviewnd would be coming so just want to see the place before that if i like i will go just say like that and visit no prblms and if you like the guy just give him a smoke and talk its all okay.
If you enter Reviewom the exide that's the main entry and pimps will be there and if you walk straight there will be prostitutes standing on roads they r quite dangerous

as they may catch u and take u in in whatever case don't go with them you are caught too just give a 50 and leave so better don't walk alone straight Reviewom the exide side you can see that it will be crowded so better take a pimp if you go Reviewom that side.The exide side has buildings as ganga jamuna ganesh bhavan dream house building 19 building 1..then shanti palace building 10 (A lister) and few more bong buildings.
c) so 2 of your issues are settled by now about which place to go depends on what you are looking for see the point is the A lister bldgs PB NL yellow building have beautiful chicks but you wont get a cbj in that and may be no lip kissing and other nakhras too so better tell the chick that you would do fingering and lip kiss her things like that b4 u enter and the pimp take his number any issues call him up act like you know how things work..see Neelkamal here you can get chicks for dance and shot that is 2hrs for 3k too depends on how the market is but you may get .Dream house Building 1 ganesh bhavan has bong chicks who will do bbj and other stuff too except anal here you can get the deal in 1600 for a hour and if you would like to see some dance pay anthr 500 say will stay 1 and half hrs dance on 3 songs and then the bang.about gals i would say there are so many bro

ganesh bhavan will have so many chicks who would please you well but with the A lister Pb NL and yellow building has this neha who is quite good too but i dont know if she would do lip kiss to all depends bro she may like you and give a cbj too but one thing i would say you don't spend all money on the A listers visit Ganesh bhavan Dream house Bulding 1 too you will get much better service the chicks may not be drop dead gorgeous but will be quite good looking and then if you go more in the lanes boudi bari and others you will get more chicks and auntys to screw
d)the other important things to follow
1)drink and go if you want as bringing in drinks in there is quite costly and most chicks will get a redbull which is 160 they will take 250 carry your ciggs if you smoke.
anyways if you liked the chick you can order drinks its okay get a pint don't go for a quarter as it charges more in there.
2)dont staright away book for a night take the chick first then book her later on mpter a shot better dont book in A listers as they will come not less than 8k a minimum mptr 11 that too you can get chicks for 4-5k for night in ganesh bhavan dream house and all max pay 5k Reviewom 10 if u would like to stay for a night in that case take your drinks in your bag the chick if likes you wont say anything and you can drink away without any issues

mostly chicks who drin are the horniest and the best slurpy bjs

they give so ask the chick if she drinks before hand ask if she is ok with fingering and other things you would like clear all the points b4 u pay and take the pimps no.
3)its absolutely smpe once you are in no worries at all you c an keep cash in your bag too no prbs at all act like a man and the rest would follow if you book a chick in an A lister for a dance and shot they will say 4200 for 2 hours try bringing down to 3200 and finally close the deal at 3.5 max but see to it that she dances for min 45 mins say they b4 u pay and stay in the room till ur time is not over she cant hurry u

if ur done too if you have to go out that's a different case anyways.
4) in all the buildings either the chick is one who will do the talking alone that means she is kind of independent and the room is her own and she pays the rent and mostly in bong buildings you would see a masi will do the talking so the gals are under her so if you book like that for a night see to it that you get a proper room with tv music system neat bed and ample space to fuck in different positions

a sofa a bed lol see the room first and then only go ahead with the payment.if you have really liked a chick then only do advance booking for a night or just walk away they will say " book ho jayegi saab things like that"..but you can get back at 9 and book her also no issues if she is Reviewee.
finally the most important part..act like a man and things would follow no hassles at all'
i hope your questions answered and i haven't disappointed the adhithi
there are few more experiences recent ones which i would post soon may be tonight mpter work go through them too may be will be useful'