On this visit I preferred new arrivals and told pimp so. The pimp took me to all buildings like NL, 12, PB etc., in KP negotiated with one slim girl and didn’t work out as she demanded more than usual rates. So came out and had a look at couple of more buildings but came back as I fancied the petite girl [was looking young, said she’s 18. She resembles slutresses Karina kapoor [looks as Karina would’ve at the age of 18, at least an equivalent by SG standards] ] finally settled for 5k for dance + session. Had the sessions… She’s hygienic, cute and complying. Allowed everything, don't know whether she enjoyed but i think she likes hard bang. She was distracted by a knock on the door... a boudi was there to tell her something, they talked about some slut in trouble and how sorry they were for her etc... Then she told boudi
loudly what I did to her

, the boudi laughed, said next time please come to me too

. She said it’s a close Reviewiend so plz give 5 minutes. Agreed I was annoyed but let it slog on for some time then called her back. Then I enjoyed her like anything; she’s a sex doll that likes good
doing. She liked my bang styl and allowed cim too. I didn't even intend to ask for it but she swallows. Tipped her and left.
I realised i can't do it again so soon but couldn’t resist going to the other sluts. So went for looking for new arrivals in different buildings. [The difference between them is old handed girls, more brash forward, look 28 but say they’re 18 while the newer ones are timid and shy] got one that looked Reviewesh in 12. Paid 4200 for dance+… she’s got firm body. Her boobs were firm but sag a bit. She’s not lean though quite chubby. Anyway had sessions as usual and moved on.
Therempter tried a boudi… fixed for 700, she quoted 1.5k but I wanted to see how much I can bargain for, with a bit more haggling I could have had it for 500 too I think. Anyway had her and left the place, her service was only so…so, thus nothing to write home about.
Damage 11k
Service average
Wir – no, too many flowers in the garden to explore